here I go again…

Well, here we are. Another blog. Another lone voice in what feels like this ever-growing faceless mess. How on earth will I ever be heard? Why would I even choose to join the fray, when there are already so many valid voices out there?

I ask myself that every day (I actually do) and yet here I am, perhaps quixotically, writing the first post to this, my sixth blog to date.

Impulsive muse. What does that even mean? It probably means just what you think it does. And even if it doesn’t, who am I to correct you? Isn’t everything we experience quantified by all the personal stuff we bring into the picture?

I have always had a tumultuous relationship with the fickle muse that is creativity. It often visits me at the most inopportune times – in the shower, as I’m about to slip under the veil of sleep – and so I’ve grown untrusting of it, feeling that if creativity really loved me it would stay long enough for me to grasp it and get something out, instead of teasing me with the idea of a great thought and then abandoning me just when I set out to make something of it.

The title of this blog is an effort to tether my creativity enough so that I can harness it when I need to. A reminder to myself that the spark of an idea I get is something special, not to be trifled with or put on a shelf until a better time. To think less and write more.

Will I be able to achieve that? And, beyond that, will anyone read? I think only time (and possibly my muse) will tell.

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